Toddler Twos

thursday | 9:30-11:30 am | 2yrs

Teachers Carly and Lindsay

This class is now running for 2024-2025, please contact us via our inquiry form to join us!

We are excited to offer this new class for children who are 2 years old by Sept 1 of the current school year.  

Teachers Lindsay and Carly aim to foster independence by encouraging children to engage in activities away from their parents. This allows them to experience the joy of making their own choices. We focus on developing social skills through interactions with peers, teaching cooperation and taking turns.

Sensory play is a key component, using various materials to stimulate the senses and nurture creativity. Additionally, we enhance communication skills by encouraging children to express themselves using simple words and gestures.

  • All families take turns helping in their classrooms. Our program depends on family help. Everyone signs up for their helping days or may be assigned days. If for some reason you cannot attend class that day, please accept responsibility for contacting other parents in your child's class to arrange for a substitute.

    Not only does your presence in the class help facilitate the work we are doing, your presence also greatly helps you to know us and us to know you!

    Most families find the helping days to be fun and informative, since they are great opportunities to observe your child, talk with your teachers and get to better know your child's friends. Please note that while we love getting to know your child's siblings, we ask that you please make other childcare arrangements for siblings not enrolled in the class for your helping days.

  • Class Hours: 9:30-11:30am

    2025-26 Tuition: $2000 annually ($200 × 10 payments)

    First Day of School: mid-September

    Last Day of School: early June

    Vacations: The school will be closed for the following holidays:

    Teacher In-Service

    Veterans Day

    Thanksgiving Day & the following Friday

    Winter Break

    MLK Day

    Presidents Day

    Mid-Winter Break (*different than LWSD)

    Spring Break

    Memorial Day

  • Is ready to try separating from parents

    Is interested in "school" and being with other children

    Is learning to listen to adults and follow directions

    Can feed themselves finger foods at snack time

    Does not have to be potty-trained

 Interested in the Toddler Twos Class? Contact us via our inquiry form!

Registration is now open for fall!