Volunteer With Us

As a small school, we thrive when our community gets involved day-to-day. Maybe you are a student and we can sign off on your volunteer hours, maybe your business can gift a work day, or maybe you’re a parent with some extra time that you can gift us. We appreciate our volunteers + helpers to the moon and back!


Auction and Dinner

There are several ways to support our auction. You can attend the auction and/or sponsor a table, help us procure donations, join our sponsorship tiers, or join the auction committee and help with logistics and other needs.


Grant Writing

As a nonprofit, Kirkland Preschool may be eligible for various grants. But unless someone applies for them, we will never know. If you have experience with grant writing, we'd love to hear from you!


Prep Work

Occasionally we have a lot of projects that all come up at once and need some extra hands to help with prep work at school or in the evenings at your home.



From time to time our property needs extra TLC. If you are willing to help with building maintenance or repairs if/when they come up let us know. If you are experienced in a specialized field (i.e. plumbing, general contracting, etc) we'd love to know that too. 


Guest Writing

Do you like writing? We welcome guest articles in our Sharing Times Newsletters. Just let us know what you have in mind and we will be happy to discuss your idea and how to incorporate it into the newsletter!

Let us know if you can help out!

If any of the above has piqued your interest, let us know by sending us a quick message through this form.