Thank you for supporting Kirkland Preschool!

Our school is so proud of and grateful to our community to have had a hand in the education of well over a thousand children.

 Kirkland Preschool strives to keep tuition affordable for all families. Even though our economy has shown growth, we know from first-hand experience that budgets for many young families are still tight. 

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Your generous donations help us provide scholarships for all students in need of assistance. Thank you for your support.

Your support will help our community’s children and families. We are sincerely appreciative of any contribution you can make to Kirkland Preschool, so we can continue to provide wonderful learning experiences for the children of our community and offer scholarships to families in need.   

We are very fortunate to be surrounded with a loving and supportive community of school families, friends, and local businesses, who all believe in the importance of early childhood education. Your generosity and support for Kirkland Preschool allows us to provide the very best education possible, while also helping with our building needs, and allowing us to provide scholarships to families in need. 

Other Opportunities to Support Our School

Kirkland Preschool periodically needs items you may casually discard. From shoe boxes to extraneous, quality toys. We repurpose odds and ends that your child will turn into amazing inventions, art projects and musical instruments, and who doesn’t love playing with a repurposed toy!

Fred Meyer Community Rewards - You can help Kirkland Preschool earn donations just by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card! Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Kirkland Preschool. Visit the Fred Meyer Community Rewards page, and search for Kirkland Preschool by our name or by our non-profit number: 81271.

Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping Kirkland Preschool earn a donation! You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points and Rebates, just as you do today.

Amazon Smile - Amazon generously makes contributions to our school when you designate us in the Amazon Smile program. Our identifier is: 91-1153497.

**What is the process for requesting a match?**

Several employers in our area, Boeing & Microsoft are two large examples offer matching funds when their employees volunteer time or donate to nonprofit organizations. In our experience the employee completes their company inhouse match request form and submits it. Soon after, the company reaches out to us requesting verification. Once we confirm, either a check is distributed soonafter, or in some cases it is distributed on monthly or quarterly timelines. It's that easy! And we thank you for going the extra mile to support us!