Teacher Retha

Retired, Substitute Teacher



“The opportunities for discovery are endless and the more children play, explore and see for themselves, the more they will learn.”


Retha Van Gent has been a career teacher for over 30 years. Retha graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education. She began her journey teaching in the 6th largest school district in Alaska, living in a cross-cultural environment with Native Alaskans in Southwest Alaska. She created a Yup’ik to English transitional grade at her school, which was adopted throughout the Lower Kuskokwim School District. Her dedicated 18 years in Alaska was an inspiration to many, and she was instrumental in encouraging many classified staff to become certified teachers.

Retha has been teaching at Kirkland Preschool for the past 20 years. She had tried her hand at retirement, but was quickly drawn back into the classroom after visiting KP for a morning. Much like the puzzles you’ll find in her classroom, Retha was the missing puzzle piece that completed our team. An occasional delight is when Retha brings her personal artifacts from Alaska, an event completely unique to our school. She introduces village life and culture into the classroom and the children experience first-hand, a way of life that hasn’t changed in hundreds of years.

Outside of school, Retha enjoys reading, and is a member of a book club, which includes past and current teachers of the preschool, and she has clocked hundreds of miles walking with her neighbors. Additionally, Retha and her husband Jim are the proud parents of two accomplished adults. Richard has established an optometry practice on a reservation in the Southwest, and Andrew has a Diesel Mechanic certification with which he manages the equipment on a prominent ranch. Retha and Jim love spending vacations travelling to visit their boys.

From her childhood, Retha and her family loved playing with dominoes. Now, she is spreading the joy of dominoes to every student she can at Kirkland Preschool!